From BBC Online: NI battles for cyber-security jobs amid global shortage
Written by: Marc Dowie on Dec 23, 2019
Written by: Marc Dowie on Dec 23, 2019
Simon Whittaker recently contributed to the BBC's investigative report about the cyber market in NI, discussing whether there is enough local talent to fill the opportunity that the cyber security industry presents here. Thanks to journalist Ross McKee for including Vertical Structure in this research.
From the article:
Simon Whittaker, a director at NI cyber-security firm Vertical Structure, is aware of potential problems in recruiting staff.
He believes there is "a limited pool of people with the required experience, and the rise of Foreign Direct Investment companies in Northern Ireland is driving up salaries".
"This can have the impact of driving up salaries for indigenous firms and also driving up costs which then impacts our position as a cost-effective place to outsource," he said.
However, he added that organisations including the Department for the Economy, Invest NI, CBI and business representatives were working to try and improve this.
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